january Gardening Tips
February Gardening Tips
March Gardening Tips
April Gardening Tips
May Gardening Tips
June Gardening Tips
July Gardening Tips
August Gardening Tips
September Gardening Tips
October Gardening Tips
November Gardening Tips
December Gardening Tips
january Gardening Tips
February Gardening Tips
March Gardening Tips
April Gardening Tips
May Gardening Tips
June Gardening Tips
July Gardening Tips
August Gardening Tips
September Gardening Tips
October Gardening Tips
November Gardening Tips
December Gardening Tips

Gardening Tips For January

Remove dead plant tops and tidy up beds ready for spring mulching.
Many perennials and grasses can now be cut back.

Avoid walking on lawns if frosty or excessively wet.
Continue removing fallen leaves from all garden areas (including ponds and gutters).
If it is mild, lawn edge repairs can be carried out and patches returfed.
Brush away worm casts.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Check ties and stakes to protect against wind damage.
Brush off any snow on evergreens to prevent the weight damaging them.
Many deciduous shrubs, trees and hedges (not evergreens) can be pruned from now.
Bare-rooted roses can be planted.
Shrubs can be moved if necessary.
Climbers like ivy can be cut back from windows and doors.

Other Things
Place patio pots on feet or bricks to allow them to drain, and keep an eye on them to prevent frost damage or excessive drying out of compost.
Birds struggle to survive at this time, most of their natural food, like berries, is hard to find. Helping them with food and water now will give a higher average number throughout the rest of the year.

Gardening Tips For February

Remove dead plant tops and tidy up beds ready for spring mulching.
Many perennials and grasses can now be cut back.
Divide clumps of perennials and replant.
Prune winter dogwoods to ground level.
Prune summer flowering clematis.

Avoid walking on lawns if frosty or excessively wet.
If it is mild, lawn edge repairs can be carried out and patches returfed. New turf can also be laid.
If it is mild and dry, it may be necessary to mow lawn (at highest setting).
Brush away worm casts. Spike and top dress with sharp sand.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Plant deciduous shrubs, roses, trees, hedge plants and climbers.
Brush off any snow on evergreens to prevent the weight damaging them.
Continue pruning deciduous shrubs (not spring flowering ones), trees and hedges.
Mulch between shrubs, roses, trees and hedges
Shrubs can be moved if necessary.
Climbers like ivy can be cut back from windows and doors.

Other Things
Check compost in patio pots does not dry out.
Continue to feed and provide water for birds.

Gardening Tips For March

Deadhead bulbs as they fade.
Weed and mulch beds.
Plant summer flowering bulbs, herbaceous perennials and hardy annuals.
Divide clumps of perennials and replant.
Prune summer flowering clematis.

Avoid walking on lawns if excessively wet.
If it is mild and dry, mow the lawn at high setting.
Lightly rake out any moss, spike and add lawn fertiliser.
If it is mild, lawn edge repairs can be carried out and patches returfed.
New lawns can be laid, do not walk on new turf for few weeks.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Check ties and stakes to protect against March winds.
Continue to plant deciduous shrubs, roses, trees, hedge plants and climbers.
Plant evergreen shrubs and hedges.
Continue pruning deciduous shrubs (not spring flowering ones), trees and hedges.
Mulch and feed shrubs, roses, trees and hedges.
Evergreen shrubs can be moved if necessary.
Climbers can be pruned.

Other Things
Clean patios, paths and decking.
Check compost in patio pots does not dry out.

Gardening Tips For April

Deadhead spring flowers.
Weed regularly and mulch beds.
Plant sweet peas, summer flowering bulbs, herbaceous perennials and hardy annuals.
Divide clumps of perennials and replant.

Mow frequently according to growth rate of lawn. Lower the cut gradually to 4 to 6 cm.
Rake out any moss, spike, weed, and add lawn fertiliser (if not done in March).
Trim lawn edges.
New lawns can be laid, do not walk on new turf for few weeks.
New lawns can be sown from seed.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Mulch and feed shrubs, roses, trees and hedges.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering.
Cut back climbers if necessary.

Other Things
Clean patios, paths and decking.
Treat wooden fences etc. with wood preservative.

Gardening Tips For May

Plant summer flowering bulbs, herbaceous perennials and hardy annuals.
Weed regularly and mulch beds.
Deadhead spring flowers.

Mow frequently to keep the grass at a steady length.
Weed and feed as necessary.
Trim lawn edges.
New lawns can be laid. Do not walk on new turf for few weeks. Keep watered.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Water in newly planted shrubs and roses. Mulch shrubs, roses, trees and hedges.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering and feed.
Trim evergreen hedges.

Other Things
Plant pots and baskets, keep watering well.
Treat wooden fences etc. with wood preservative.

Gardening Tips For June

Plant summer bedding.
Divide clumps of spring flowering perennials.
Weed regularly, removing before they seed.
Deadhead blooms to encourage new ones.
Stake tall growing herbaceous perennials.

Mow frequently to keep the grass at a steady length. Allow to be a little longer if it is dry and hot.
Weed and feed as necessary.
Trim lawn edges.
Do not allow new lawns to dry out. Keep watered.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Water newly planted shrubs and roses.
Lightly feed shrubs and roses.
Prune spring flowering shrubs after flowering and feed.
Prune climbing roses after blooming.
Trim evergreen hedges.

Other Things
Water pots and baskets, and liquid feed every 3 weeks.
Discourage slugs as much as possible with traps.

Gardening Tips For July

Prune spring flowering clematis and early flowering perennials
Divide clumps of bearded iris, polyanthus etc.
Weed regularly, removing before they seed.
Deadhead blooms to encourage new ones.
Stake tall growing herbaceous perennials.
Plant autumn flowering bulbs.

Mow frequently to keep the grass at a steady length. Allow to be a little longer if it is dry and hot.
Weed, feed and water as necessary.
Trim lawn edges.
Do not allow new lawns to dry out. Keep watered.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Water newly planted shrubs and roses.
Mulch shrubs and roses to preserve moisture.
Prune June flowering shrubs after flowering and feed.
Remove suckers from shrubs and roses.
Trim evergreen hedges.

Other Things
Water pots and baskets, and liquid feed every 3 weeks.

Gardening Tips For August

Deadhead blooms to encourage new ones.
Weed regularly, removing before they seed.
Divide clumps of iris and other perennials.
Cut back herbaceous perennials that have died back.
Stake tall growing herbaceous perennials.

Mow frequently to keep the grass at a steady length. Allow to be a little longer if it is dry and hot.
Weed, feed and water as necessary.
Trim lawn edges.
If a new lawn is to be sown in September, the ground can be prepared now.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Water shrubs and roses, especially newly planted ones.
Prune Wisteria. Climbing roses can be pruned if finished flowering.
Deadhead flowering shrubs and roses.
Trim evergreen hedges.

Other Things
Deadhead and water pots and baskets, and liquid feed every 3 weeks.

Gardening Tips For September

Continue to deadhead blooms.
Continue to weed.
Clear faded annuals and plant hardy annuals.
Divide clumps of iris and other perennials.
Cut back herbaceous perennials that have died back.
Plant spring bulbs.

Mow less frequently and use higher cut as growth rate slows.
Weed, spike and top dress with sharp sand. Apply autumn lawn feed.
New lawns can be sown or turfed.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Water shrubs and roses, especially newly planted ones.
Deadhead flowering shrubs and roses.
Climbing roses can be pruned if finished flowering.
Prune late flowering shrubs.
Trim evergreen hedges.
Clear any fallen leaves.

Other Things
Deadhead and water pots and baskets. When plants have faded, replant with spring bulbs and ivy/heather for winter.

Gardening Tips For October

Continue to weed.
Clear faded annuals and plant hardy annuals.
Cut back herbaceous perennials that have died back and remove stakes.
Divide clumps of herbaceous perennials.
Plant spring bulbs.
Plant new herbaceous perennials.

Continue to mow when dry and use higher cut as growth rate slows.
Weed, spike and top dress with sharp sand. Apply autumn lawn feed.
Remove fallen leaves promptly.
New lawns can still be sown or turfed.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Check ties and stakes.
Prune bush roses and climbing roses.
Plant new shrubs, roses, trees, hedges and climbers.
Trim deciduous hedges for winter.
Clear any fallen leaves.

Other Things
Deadhead and water baskets. When plants have faded, replant with spring bulbs and ivy/heather for winter.

Gardening Tips For November

Continue to weed as necessary.
Cut back herbaceous perennials that have died back and remove stakes.
Divide clumps of herbaceous perennials.
Remove fallen leaves and debris.
Plant new herbaceous perennials.
Continue planting spring bulbs.
Plant wallflowers and tulip bulbs.

If mild and dry then mow with high cut .
If mild and dry then weed, spike and top dress with sharp sand. Apply autumn lawn feed (if not done earlier).
Remove fallen leaves promptly.
Avoid walking on lawns if frosty or excessively wet.
New lawns can still be turfed if mild.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Check ties and stakes.
Clear any fallen leaves.
Many deciduous shrubs, trees and hedges (not evergreens) can be pruned from now.
Shrubs can be moved if necessary.
Bare-rooted roses can be planted.
Plant new deciduous shrubs, trees, hedges.

Other Things

Place patio pots on feet or bricks to allow them to drain, and keep an eye on them to prevent frost damage or excessive drying out of compost.

Gardening Tips For December

Remove dead plant tops and tidy up beds ready for spring mulching.
Many perennials and grasses can now be cut back.
Divide clumps of herbaceous perennials if mild and dry.

Avoid walking on lawns if frosty or excessively wet.
Continue removing fallen leaves from all garden areas (including ponds and gutters).
If it is mild, lawn edge repairs can be carried out and patches returfed.

Shrubs, Roses, Trees, Hedges and Climbers
Check ties and stakes to protect against wind damage.
Clear any fallen leaves
Brush off any snow on evergreens to prevent the weight damaging them.
Many deciduous shrubs, trees and hedges (not evergreens) can be pruned.
Bare-rooted roses can be planted.
Plant new deciduous shrubs, trees, hedges.
Shrubs can be moved if necessary.

Other Things
Place patio pots on feet or bricks to allow them to drain, and keep an eye on them to prevent frost damage or excessive drying out of compost.
Provide food and water for birds.